Jeff Strand

 Jeff Strand 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jeff Strand are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Cold Dead Hands, Clowns vs Spiders, An Apocalypse of Our Own (Novella #5), Cemetery Closing, Ferocious, My Pretties, Bang Up, Out of Whack, Fangboy, Graverobbers Wanted: No Experience Necessary am-1, Greatest Zombie Movie Ever, Facial, Attic Toys, Graverobbers Wanted (No Experience Necessary), Dweller, Sick House, Single White Psycopath Seeks Same, Specimen 313, The Sinister Mr. Corpse, Unnatural Tales Of The Jackalope, Single White Psychopath Seeks Same, Kumquat, Mandibles, How to Rescue a Dead Princess, Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 1, Pressure, Wolf Hunt, Casket For Sale, I Have a Bad Feeling About This, The Haunted Forest Tour, Gleefully Macabre Tales, Bring Her Back, Benjamin's Parasite, Elrod McBugle on the Loose, Cyclops Road, The Mad and the MacAbre, Blister, How You Ruined My Life, Wolf Hunt (Book 2), A Bad Day for Voodoo, Casket for Sale, Only Used Once, Stranger Things Have Happened, Stalking You Now, which was published in 2022.